DATCHA – Recette inspirée du peuple Slave

DATCHA - Recipe inspired by the Slavic people


Natural infusion of ash, sea buckthorn, rosehip, blackcurrant, strawberry and raspberry leaves, thyme, echinacea and marigold.

In the various Slavic settlements, a "Dacha" is the small country house where you spend most of your weekends and at least part of your summer vacations, often with children, parents and grandparents together.
Generally quite simple, with no heating or running water, the oldest are of the "Isba" type, made of stacked logs, with beautifully carved windows and doors.
The Dacha is often used to cultivate a plot of land, which sometimes played an essential role in terms of subsistence, during periods of scarcity (under the Soviet regime or in the years following its fall).
The Dacha was in fact originally a piece of land granted to peasants in Tsarist times. This fact embarrassed Soviet leaders, who considered putting an end to this practice, which ran counter to the communist ideal. But the housing crisis provoked by the rural exodus encouraged them to retain them. A decree set the standard area per household at six hundred square meters, and gardening was encouraged. Dachas gradually became more democratic in the 50s and 60s. The extension of the rail network and bus routes made it easier to get around, and shorter working hours allowed employees to devote more time to their little country homes.
Until the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1990, the Dacha was an island of private property in a collectivized economy (in the city, all apartments were state-owned).
As you'd expect, Slavs have long been accustomed to growing all sorts of essential things on the small plot of land surrounding their Dacha. This includes various medicinal plants which, harvested at the height of summer, are used to make beneficial infusions throughout the winter.
Julia Ryabchenkova has created the DATCHA recipe using the leaves and berries that are almost always found in these small private gardens. What they have in common is that they fortify the body, boosting the immune system and enabling us to cope with the long winters in Russia and surrounding countries.
This is a very complete infusion, combining ash, sea buckthorn, wild rose, blackcurrant, strawberry and raspberry leaves, thyme, echinacea and marigold.
While these ingredients are almost always present, their proportions vary from family to family, depending on the habits inherited from grandparents, and on the quantity and quality of what is harvested each year. Julia has chosen to give this infusion a gourmet touch, combining its virtues with a real pleasure to savor, to be shared with family and friends all winter long.

Julia comments:
" DATCHA infusion helps prevent anemia, flu and colds. This type of recipe is used by Slavs to boost immunity and help destroy pathogenic bacteria in the body. The following benefits are attributed to these ingredients:
Ash strengthens immunity, the central nervous system and the whole body. It contains 70 mg vitamin C per 100 g (more than lemon). It destroys pathogenic bacteria, gently cleanses the body and boosts memory.
Echinacea is a natural antibiotic and purifier of the blood and lymphatic system. Thanks to its chemical formula, it combats many types of fungi, bacteria and viruses. It is involved in hematopoiesis, tissue formation and repair.
Sea buckthorn is a natural bio-stimulator. It accelerates tissue regeneration, helping to strengthen the body rapidly after illness. In Russia, it is recommended for disorders of the genital system, to normalize heart function, or to strengthen hair.
Rosehip stimulates immunity. It is high in vitamins C, P and carotene. It prevents colds.
Raspberry leaves have antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties.
Strawberry leaves have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, reducing tachycardia, improving sleep, reducing irritability and preventing kidney stones.
Thyme is used as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. It stimulates coughing and helps normalize gastrointestinal flow .

Infuse 1 tablespoon for 200 ml water.
90°C 195°F / 7' / Ideal in the evening
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