
Les tisanes de plantes bienfaisantes sont depuis la nuit des temps nos alliées pour nous détoxifier et faire face aux épidémies hivernales

La cure Détox d’automne : Un rituel de bien-êtr...

La cure Détox d’automne ne peut pas se résumer à une diète difficile à endurer. Il s'agit d'adopter avec conscience et plaisir une approche holistique, qui combine alimentation, hydratation, renforcement immunitaire...

La cure Détox d’automne : Un rituel de bien-êtr...

La cure Détox d’automne ne peut pas se résumer à une diète difficile à endurer. Il s'agit d'adopter avec conscience et plaisir une approche holistique, qui combine alimentation, hydratation, renforcement immunitaire...

Les bienfaits du Matcha : Une tradition séculaire au service du bien-être

The benefits of Matcha: A centuries-old traditi...

Matcha, a finely ground green tea powder, has a rich history in Japan. Originally consumed by Buddhist monks to aid meditation, it was adopted in the 13th century by samurai...

The benefits of Matcha: A centuries-old traditi...

Matcha, a finely ground green tea powder, has a rich history in Japan. Originally consumed by Buddhist monks to aid meditation, it was adopted in the 13th century by samurai...

L'infusion des Cosaques Ukrainiens : un élixir d'invincibilité !

The herbal tea of the Ukrainian Cossacks: an el...

by Anna ZAPTALOVA, “Tea-Triber” for the Ukrainian Slavic people. Since time immemorial, Ukrainian Cossacks were renowned for their incredible strength, courage and resilience. Their exploits were lauded in songs, legends...

The herbal tea of the Ukrainian Cossacks: an el...

by Anna ZAPTALOVA, “Tea-Triber” for the Ukrainian Slavic people. Since time immemorial, Ukrainian Cossacks were renowned for their incredible strength, courage and resilience. Their exploits were lauded in songs, legends...

La recette du Chaï Latte au féminin

The feminine Chai Latte recipe

Chai, known for its comforting and stimulating benefits, takes on a new dimension with the SHAKTI recipe, created especially for women. SHAKTI, from artisanal harvests in India, is a unique...

The feminine Chai Latte recipe

Chai, known for its comforting and stimulating benefits, takes on a new dimension with the SHAKTI recipe, created especially for women. SHAKTI, from artisanal harvests in India, is a unique...

Le rôle des tisanes dans l'Ayurveda

The role of herbal teas in Ayurveda

By Ghanashyam Marda , Doctor of Ayurveda Ayurveda is an ancient health system in India, practiced and believed to have existed since 5,000 to 7,000 BC. It is known for...

The role of herbal teas in Ayurveda

By Ghanashyam Marda , Doctor of Ayurveda Ayurveda is an ancient health system in India, practiced and believed to have existed since 5,000 to 7,000 BC. It is known for...

À la découverte des origines du Cacao

Discovering the origins of Cocoa

Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of cocoa, from its ancestral origins with the Mayans to its contemporary influence. Discover how this precious bean has survived the ages. Through this...

Discovering the origins of Cocoa

Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of cocoa, from its ancestral origins with the Mayans to its contemporary influence. Discover how this precious bean has survived the ages. Through this...